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Class 12 Micro Economics Notes in English

On this page, you will find all Class 12 Micro Economics notes in English medium. These notes are as per Unit and Chapter-wise. For getting Economics Notes, Just click on the name of the Chapter.

Micro Economics Notes in English Medium

Micro economics Unit 1 notes

Micro economics Unit 2 notes

  • 4- Theory of Demand
  • 5- Elasticity of Demand

Micro economics Unit 3 notes

  • 6- Production Function and the Concept of TP, AP and MP
  • 7(i)- Laws of Production : Returns to a Factor
  • 7(ii)- Laws of Production : Returns to Scale

Micro economics Unit 4 notes

  • 8- Concept of Cost
  • 9- Concept of Revenue

Micro economics Unit 5 notes

  • 10- Perfect Competition and Profit Maximisation
  • 11- Theory of Supply in Perfect Competition
  • 12- Market Equilibrium under Perfect Competition
  • 13- Non Competitive Market : Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly

On this page class 12 micro economics notes are provided chapter-wise/topic-wise. Just click on the name of the topic to read the notes in Hindi.

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